
Sunday, September 2, 2007


Are you Anaemic?

When the red blood cells are unhealthy, due to less iron-rich protein called hemoglobin, a person is said to be suffering from anaemia. This protein is the oxygen-carrier and gives the red color to blood. In India, anaemia is more prevalent among women – from toddlers to pregnant and post-delivery women (80-90%) and the elderly. It is common among the city teenagers because of their dietary fads. Though the causes of anaemia are numerous, the commonest cause is iron deficiency, which is easily preventable. Fatigue, breathlessness, palpitation and repeated infections are some of the symptoms of anemia. Decreased hemoglobin is the commonest finding in laboratory medicine. Today, thirty percent of the world population suffers from Iron deficiency anaemia.

How to prevent anaemia:

  • In infants, weaned of breast milk or after six months, whichever is earlier, include iron-fortified cereals and Vitamin C to ward off anaemia. Cow’s milk is poor in iron.
  • Iron is an important for teens, especially for those who have started menstruating.
  • Vegetarians need to pay extra attention to make sure they get enough iron through lentils, beans and greens.
  • Cut downs on tea, as it reduces iron absorption.
  • Include orange juice, cauliflower, tomatoes etc that are rich in Vitamin C in your diet to help in iron absorption. Add tomato slices to a chicken sandwich, or have an orange with a chutney/butter sandwich.
  • For non-vegetarians, liver is a rich source of iron.
  • See a doctor if you have heavy periods/ bleeding piles.
  • Have a glass of green vegetable juice, at least thrice a week, made of spinach, coriander, with a dash of time.
  • Read the labels of bread, cereals, pasta and make sure they are good brands, fortified with iron and vitamins.
  • Whenever there is a dessert option of fruits like watermelon, raisins, prunes, apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries, go for it.
  • Avoid skipping meals or having junk food regularly, as it can lead to anaemia. Let no work pressure come in the way of nutrition.

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